Queensland may be the Sunshine State — but the truth is, it’s Australia’s most disaster-prone state. In fact, since 2011, Queensland has been hit by more than 80 natural disasters or significant weather events. Our unpredictable weather can make homes and communities vulnerable when the elements take a turn.
One kind of natural disaster that Queensland often experiences during storm season is cyclones. According to Get Ready Queensland, communities within 50 kilometres of the coastline heading north from Bundaberg are most susceptible to cyclones, however accompanying wind and rain from weakening cyclones can affect communities throughout all parts of Queensland.
To help you prepare for a cyclone or cyclone-related event, we’ve put together a checklist. Here’s an example of some steps you should take:
For more checklist items to consider, download our free version here. Also take a look at the Get Ready Queensland page dedicated to cyclone preparation.
There are also advances in building and development that can help reduce the damage from cyclones to your home. You can find out more by exploring Resilience Road here.
Knowing how to respond to a cyclone warning could be the difference between disaster and the survival of your home. It’s important to stay on top of updates during peak cyclone season, and to be across risks — these might be different for every Queenslander.
Start by getting in touch with your local council. They’ll be able to tell you if the property you are living in is at risk. This information is important for planning ahead. When a major event hits, your family’s safety comes first. Contact 000 in an emergency and visit Queensland Disaster Management for current local and state emergency alerts.
Natural hazard resilience has long been a focus for Suncorp, with many other initiatives both existing and in progress. Suncorp Insurance’s Cyclone Resilience Benefit was introduced in 2016 and is available for eligible Home Insurance customers in North Queensland. Customers who undertake eligible upgrades to their home’s cyclone readiness may get a reduction on their Suncorp Home Insurance premium4.
Read for more details, and to find out if you’re an eligible customer, here.
*Available in eligible locations only. Contact us on 13 11 55 to find out if you are eligible. The building and mitigation features that may contribute to any reduction of your Suncorp home or landlord insurance premium are at our discretion. Conditions apply.
Insurance issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 trading as Suncorp Insurance. Read the Product Disclosure Statement before buying this insurance.
The information is intended to be of a general nature only. Subject to any rights you may have under any law, we do not accept any legal responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss of business or profits or any other indirect loss, incurred as a result of reliance upon it – please make your own enquiries.
From the simple to the complex, see which upgrades can help better protect your home.
Natural hazard resilience has long been a focus for Suncorp, with many other initiatives both existing and in progress. Suncorp Insurance’s Cyclone Resilience Benefit was introduced in 2016 and is available for eligible Home Insurance customers in North Queensland. Customers who undertake eligible upgrades to their home’s cyclone readiness may get a reduction on their Suncorp Home Insurance premium4.
An Australian first for Home Insurance. It’s our commitment to help create more resilient homes. It means that if your home is substantially damaged, we’ll rebuild it stronger with recommended resilience options up to $10,000, in addition to your sum insured, all designed to help withstand severe weather5.
Helping build a more resilient Queensland together.
Insurance is issued by AAI Limited ABN 48 005 297 807 (AAI) trading as Suncorp Insurance. Please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before buying any insurance products. The Target Market Determination is also available. The information is intended to be of a general nature only. Subject to any rights you may have under any law, we do not accept any legal responsibility for any loss or damage, including loss of business or profits or any other indirect loss, incurred as a result of reliance upon it – please make your own enquiries.
4. A premium reduction may be available to eligible Suncorp Home or Landlord Insurance customers, with properties above tropic of Capricorn, within 100km from the coast and with certain risk mitigation measures. Eligibility criteria, terms and conditions apply. Find out more.
5. Cover applies to claims with building damage over $50,000 or 10% of sum insured, whichever is highest. Resilience improvements are tiered according to level of cover up to $10,000. Limits, conditions and exclusions apply. Please read the relevant Product Disclosure Statement before you make any decision regarding this product.
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